Getting Started

The first order of business is quite simple: get yourself a library card! This opens the doorways to your imagination, both in the library and online.

After you read the instructions below, fill out our online registration form and visit the library to get your Huntsville-Madison County Public Library card. You will not receive a library card without showing proof of residency at any HMCPL library location.

To renew your expired library card, visit any HMCPL branch location.


HMCPL_Adult_Card_small_0.pngIssued free to all Huntsville and Madison County residents ages 16 and older. Residents of Limestone County that live within the city limits of Madison and Huntsville are also eligible. Valid at all branches and BookMobile. Identification with correct name and permanent address required. A government-issued photo ID is required, such as a driver's license, passport or student school card. ID can be out of area driver's license combined with a lease, utilities bill, or imprint on a check or deposit slip.





A $20.00 annual fee for individual. $35.00 annual fee for families. A government-issued photo ID with correct name and address is required.


Young Readers

HMCPL_Kids_Card_small_0.pngIssued to youth ages 17 and younger. Parent or guardian signature required. Parent or guardian must have a Resident or Non-Resident card and must agree to be responsible for all items borrowed by the child(ren). Identification for the adult is required as detailed in the Resident section listed above.

Beginning March 3, 2025, a parent or guardian must submit a Young Reader Card Waiver for Young Reader Cardholders. Please click here for more information.




Public Computer Use Only

Public Computer Use Card_0.jpgIssued free for in-house computer use only, to residents ineligible for a full membership card or to non-residents who do not desire full privileges. Non-residents may upgrade to fully privileged status if membership criteria are met. Identification with correct name is required. Preferred information includes, but is not limited to, address, zip code, phone number and birth date. A photo ID is not required for a computer use only card.




Our services

Now that you've got a card, you can log in on this site or any of the others where we offer digital services. You can log in to our catalog to search and place on hold items; you can also access your account information to change your password, download e-books, renew items, examine your checkouts, monitor your history, create lists, and so much more.

Need help with your account password? Here is how to reset it
You are responsible for lost or damaged materials borrowed on your card.